Few words about us
and our crew

The CAMPANELLI FOUNDATION ONLUS, was founded by Alessandro Campanelli. Mr. Campanelli was famous for his humanitarian activities and influence in the political field of Italy as well as beyond its borders.

The Foundation is world renowned and Alessandro was invited to many countries as a special guest representing the Foundation.
Fondazione Campanelli is an officially regulated foundation with a special status as O.N.L.U.S.

ONLUS is a unique type of Italian non-profit organization, with special benefits, including a very beneficiary high percentage tax deduction for donors.

This ONLUS foundation was founded at the beginning of 2011 and the purpose of the CAMPANELLI FOUNDATION ONLUS is to develop projects improving health, society, and the environment (ESG).
Therefore, the current projects are focused mainly in four sectors:

Alessandro Campanelli organized with his foundation many events, free and open to the public, with support of politicians like the Major of Rome Gianni Alemanno see video:

Alessandro Campanelli passed away on the 8th of November 2021 and now his son Franco Campanelli is spearheading the foundation efforts and the new Management Board appointed in 2022 is carrying out the foundation's work, as intended by its founder.

Currently the main sector of the CAMPANELLI FOUNDATION ONLUS is the construction of old age homes and hospitals in Italy and abroad and the improvement of existing medical centers.
The goal of the foundation is to improve the health facilities and thereby the healing and wellness of the people, funding development and implementing latest technology in order to advance health care in Italy and Europe, including the incorporation of top end medical equipment, such as the unique equipment for Proton Radiation for cancer therapy.
Below are some of the projects that the Fondazione Campanelli is currently involved in as a Joint Venture partner.

The Fondazione Campanelli Onlus has an agreement to renovate and change the equipment of four old age homes.
For details open this link www.campodelvescovo.it

The Foundation’s health construction program also includes SPA Hotels with a focus on health improvement and wellness, such as hot thermic baths.

Fondazione Campanelli Onlus, is currently developing two SPA Centers in Tuscany. The two centers are almost ready to be built pending only the last permit.

Campanelli has a long-term collaboration with many developers and constructors. One of them is Enrico Dino Lazzerini located in Pistoia Tuscany.

Campanelli has a JVA with Lazzerini to accomplish two resorts in Tuscany with thermal water based on green energy called EcoLodge SPA & Natural Resort with more than 100 rooms.

The location is in the hill in front of the beach, West from Pisa (all detail of the project in the presentation in PDF).
Another EcoLodge SPA & Natural Resort bigger is called “Pian dei Lupi” more south towards Livorno and we have the detail project PDF.

Campanelli has a JVA with construction engineer Carmine Belpasso Florio from Salerno to accomplish.
This is the business card of the company in Salerno that has all the permits and is ready to carry out the constructions that are in front of the port of Salerno in the most strategic location of the important city of tourism south of Napoli.

The tower is located in the center of the city next to the sea:

The project includes four buildings in the first stage, and other four towers in addition next to them.

The land is owned by the company Italiana Costruzioni s.r.l. which has signed a JVA with Campanelli and is all ready to be realized since all the projects are presented and confirmed from the city hall. These buildings will become apartments, stores and a shopping mall.